Are you seeking to improve your well-being so you feel and perform at your best and derive purpose and meaning from your life, work, and relationships? Would you like to find your most authentic voice so you can lead with confidence and build up, inspire, and empower your community? Perhaps you’re considering a career change or seeking a promotion and want to plot a course that aligns with your core beliefs and values. How you got here does not matter. YOU’RE HERE… and I want to congratulate you. You’ve taken your first step toward living “All-In.” You’ve acknowledged that you want something more… peace, love, connection, success, all of the above. We have built the Mastery Mindset with you in mind and gone to great lengths to make this coaching platform accessible to just about everyone.
Unlock Your Full Potential with the Mastery Mindset Library
The Mastery Mindset Exclusive Training Library gives you access to hundreds of purposefully crafted, downloadable workshops that are the backbone of the Mastery Mindset coaching platform. These are the very same exercises that Michael Shaw uses with his VIP one-on-one coaching clients, and you get them all for less than the cost of one live session. Take a deep dive into topics like Anxiety, Career, Communication, Compassion, Coping, Emotional Intelligence, Grief, Gratitude, Happiness, Leadership, Mindfulness, Parenting, Positive Psychology, Productivity, Relationships, Resilience, Self-Acceptance, Strengths, and so much more. For just $47 per month (less than most co-pays for one therapy/coaching session), you will gain access to this vast collection of continually updated, actionable workshops that will transform your mindset and empower you to become the miracle-creating person you are meant to be.
Continually updated library of coaching session downloads.
Each download is an experiential coaching workshop designed to allow you to self-teach the lesson.
These are the same as lessons used in Michael’s VIP one-on-one coaching sessions.
Lessons are grouped according to topic so you can complete sequences to develop specific skill sets and address specific issues.
Video introduction of each workshop, describing the lesson content and purpose.
You get access to Michael’s weekly live coaching webinar (archived replay included)
Instant membership to the Mastery Mindset community. This is an open forum EXCLUSIVELY for Mastery Mindset students. You are NEVER ALONE. Communicate with like-minded individuals committed to mastering their mindset so they can relieve anxiety, remove confusion, and stop the self-sabotage standing between who they are, how they show up, and the miracle creating people they are meant to be.
Early-Bird access and discounts on premium workshops, coaching seminars, and live events
As your coach I am dedicated to improving your quality of life by creating an environment in which you can explore your thoughts, hone your focus, and determine the action steps to reach your desired outcome.
I am here in service of you. My purpose is to give you the tools to create the love, laughter, magic, and happiness in your life that you absolutely deserve. I have spent a lifetime taking chances, making and learning from mistakes, and defining valuable distinctions so I could be here creating this experience with you today.
Take yourself seriously. Keep your focus. Hold yourself accountable. Believe in your ability to achieve. Trust your coaching and your process. Marvel at your achievements as you meet new challenges and exceed your expectations.