Your world
where are you now?
Emotional/Mental State
Physical State
Where do you want to be?
Living Anxiety/Depression Free
In Love
Financially Secure
Emotionally Secure
Peak Performance
Free (All of the Above)
What Is Standing In Your Way?
Regressive Thinking
External Forces (Perceived or Otherwise)
Lack of Conviction
Feeling Trapped
I am Michael Shaw.
I’m a father, husband, ex-husband, son, brother, friend, coach, leader,
dreamer, success, failure, and believer that all things are possible.
I choose to be fueled by love every day.
I choose to be inclusive, acknowledging that I never know from whom
my next lesson will come.
I serve as a “True Alpha”... always learning, always teaching.
I am always truthful, to myself and to others.
I dare to tread where angels fear.
I believe that we are limitless.
I jump first and build my wings on the way down.
I endeavor to see, hear, and understand at the deepest level.
I am not confused.
I strive for grace.
I am good to my life.
For three decades I have devoted myself to breaking through performance ceilings, taking a wondrous introspective journey on the road to self-discovery, and sharing my experiences and lessons with all those who have afforded me the privilege of inviting me into their lives as their coach and mentor.
My journey has empowered me to compete, perform, and succeed on a multitude of levels...Father, Business Owner, Personal Trainer, Human Performance Coach, Triathlete, Muay Thai Fighter, Tournament Poker Player, Bodybuilder, Visionary Thought Leader, and seeker of my truth and purpose.
As a personal trainer, much the way a sculptor’s hands glide across the clay or a musician strings notes together, I instinctively understood how my clients’ bodies were reacting to movement, and which modalities to apply in order to affect positive change. This was equal parts intuition, experience, and learned knowledge. Having trained as an athlete my entire life, sustaining and rehabilitating injuries to more body parts than I care to remember, I knew how to harness physical energy as a means of achieving and restoring peak strength and performance. In much the same vein, my successes, failures, fears, anxiety, and deep personal introspection have enabled me to develop strategies for achieving personal breakthroughs in all areas of life. You will find that I intuitively understand that which you are experiencing, and I will meet you where you are and stand side by side with you on your journey toward your highest quality life.
I believe in you. Much of the time more than you believe in yourself. I believe that we are all capable of living a life filled with love, grace, gratitude, security, purpose, challenge, freedom, and success.
What will it take? A belief that life is a gift and a desire to cherish and serve that gift by demanding the most of yourself. Expect to grow each day. Know that you are deserving of love and kindness. Revel in lifting up those around you.
the work
YOU... are here, reading these words, envisioning a weightless, passion-filled life. Congratulations. You’ve taken your first step and accepted that you desire more. Your next step requires a leap of faith. You have to trust in the work we will do together and believe in me as your guide.
I... am also here, extending my hand, asking you to confide in me and follow as I lead you into your most fulfilling life. You have my promise that I will earn your trust and stand with you every step of the way.
In stepping into my role as your coach, I have lived, loved, made mistakes, felt joy and pain, highs and lows, gain and loss. I have been introspective in examining each of these emotions and situations to understand how I survived them, rebounded, used them as springboards, and turned them into the building blocks for future success. I am empathic in understanding you as a means of empowering you to share your experiences in a way that relates to your life and where you are now, and I will illuminate the path of your journey so you may also grow and reach your most positive outcome.
Take the first step in faith.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase,
Just take the first step.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Defining Moments
There is great value in taking the journey back to pivotal moments in your life, whether positive or negative, and developing a perspective to understand how you survived the experience, exhibited strength and resolve, and can use it to build confidence that you have the power to conquer anything.
Building Blocks
My experience as a bodybuilder and personal trainer taught me the value of periodization- strategic implementation of setting an ultimate goal, expanding upon the successful completion of each phase along the way. We will set your periodized course, defining each building block along your path.
Highly Intuitive Language & Listening (HILL)
I have invested tens of thousands of hours listening... developing my mastery of truly hearing what is being said. I intuitively know how to ask the questions that empower you to share what you are feeling, determine where to place your emotions and how to best develop your perspective for creating positive energy in your life.
Be Good to Your Life
Many years ago, I would visit with an older Italian gentleman who owned the local pizzeria in my town. We would sit outside his restaurant, and he would regale me with countless stories of a beautiful life spanning two continents and 80 years. One day, experiencing an epiphone, he said to me “I’ve been very good to my life.” A slight juxtaposition of the more common “Life’s Been Good to Me” that I believe makes all the difference. From that moment, I have viewed life as a gift, and I have strived to honor that gift by creating extraordinary moments, friendships, and challenges. I have been very good to my life, and I am committed to helping you do the same.
kind words